May Social Media Planning Ideas

We are half way through the Easter Season and for many parishes the sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation will be center stage this month.
My usual “5 Things Every Parish Should Post” strategy should also be a great blueprint for your planning so let’s start with number one, which is post about the Pope, Pastor, Priests and Deacons. The Pope’s intention for this month is a call to the laity to fulfill their specific mission, by responding with creativity to the challenges that face the world today. Share links to the Pope’s masses from St. Peter’s on Pentecost Sunday a link will be available on the Vatican News Facebook page to share on your pages. This month could also be the ordination anniversary for one or more of your priests and deacons, so be sure to create a post to celebrate their commitment to their vocation and your community.

Courtesy: American Martyrs Catholic Community
The second thing that you should share is a daily inspirational message to draw each person following your page into “Communion with Christ” through technology. There are many options already available for you to share. There are many Catholic resources available to help you share a daily meditation and some of my favorites come from My Catholic Life, 3-Minute Retreats, Message of the Day from Pope Francis and of course my pastor’s daily message that we affectionately refer to around the parish as Monsignor’s Minute Messages. Maybe you will be inspired to start sharing messages from your clergy members in pictures, video or graphics.

Courtesy: American Martyrs Catholic Community
The most engaging elements to share for your parish falls under my number three, behind the scenes at your parish. So many events to share behind the scenes of this month with Holy Communion and Confirmation ahead. Share preps and practices for these masses and share vignettes of what Confirmation and First Communion mean to those about to receive the sacraments. Now is also the time to get the okay to share the images of the kids on your social media pages or website from parents. This month a lot of color changes happening that will be great to share. We will move from the liturgical color of white to characterize the Easter Season, then to red for Pentecost and finally return to the green of ordinary time. How will your parish exhibit these changes within your liturgical environment? The most visual one will be seen on the priests celebrating mass. Capture pictures or video of the vestments in each color hanging in a sacristy closet, being ironed by volunteers or being donned before mass.

Courtesy: American Martyrs Catholic Community Facebook Page Screenshot
The fourth thing to share this month and every month of the year is the feast days or solemnities of the Holy Catholic Saints and I always share them from monthly overview: St. Joseph the Worker (May 1), St. Athanasius(May 2), Sts. Philip and James (May 3), St. Damian the Leper (May 10), St. Nereus & Achilleus, St. Pancras (May 12), St. Matthias (May 14), St. Isidore the Farmer (May 15), St. John I (May 18), St. Christopher Magallanes (May 21), St. Rita of Cascia (May 22), St. Bede, St. Gregory VII and St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi (May 25), St. Philip Neri (May 26) and the Visitation(May 31). The feasts of Our Lady of Fatima (May 13), St. Bernadine of Siena (May 20) and St. Augustine of Canterbury (May 27) are superseded by the Sunday liturgy. The Solemnity of the Ascension (May 10) is celebrated on May 13 (Sunday) in most dioceses in the United States.
Last and number five is sharing about parish and community life. On the day of First Holy Communion and Confirmation share at least a choir loft picture or video of the procession into the church with a call for prayers for those receiving the sacrament. This month is dedicated to Mary the mother of Christ, but we also celebrate our earthly mothers. Change your cover photos on Facebook and Twitter with images of statues of Mary from your parish and share a collage, video presentation or simple post on Mother’s Day to honor the earthly moms of your parish. On Instagram share beautiful pictures of moms doing various things that moms do to serve as the first teachers of the faith with impactful quotes written over them. Also share articles on motherhood from the awesome, and all awesome resources for sharing ways to support, celebrate and educate Catholic moms.
Don’t forget to tune in for #ChurchsocialtipsLive every Friday for weekly tips for what to post in the week ahead!